I realize I post pictures of a cup with hot chocolate like every other week but it's just because that's how it is. You wouldn't want me to lie here right?

So I've had a pretty interesting day today. Aerobics was ok today, a lot of excersises that hurt my knee but I survived. When class was over I realized I had forgotten my school ID card, and my wallet. No ID card means no lunch. It would have been ok if it was an A day but I'm always starving after aerobics so that kind of sucked. Luckily my friend let me eat some of her lunch. She's so nice! In biology we had a biology test on the cell cycle and mitosis (cell divison) which I got an A on. During the test I started feeling very tired and almost a little sick. Acappella was fun but I was tired and I had a headache so I just wanted to go home and sleep. I still have a headache, it will be an early night for me! Before I go to sleep though I have to study for my English test. Last day of school tomorrow, then it's thanksgiving break! 


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