This Sunday I got up way too early beacause I had to be at Östra Real at 8 am to prepare for the EF departure meeting for the class of 17'. All the preparations went really well. 9 ambassadors and a bunch of EF staff with great team work can do anything!
This years meeting was a bit different than last years because instead of having all 100+ students in one big auditorium listening to a 4 hour long presentation we divided them in to 9 groups. Each group listened to 3 different presentations which meant that me and Amanda held the same presentation 3 times. I was just a tiny bit confused by the end of it... We talked about the same thing each time and told the same stories and jokes. It felt more easy going this year and I didn't have to give a speech in front of 400 people either which was a big plus. I'm so jealous and excited for all the students!